Fraunhofer Portugal at the SCAS2015

From the 20th to the 26th of April, several organizations are gathered at the Dolce Vita Coimbra within the ‘Semana das Ciências Aplicadas à Saúde’ (SCAS2015), an event organized by the students association of the Coimbra Health School (AE-ESTeSC) with the goal of conducting different health examinations. Fraunhofer Portugal is one of the present institutions and will be leading some exercises in the scope of the SmartFeet as well as the FCC Fall Risk Assessment projects. The exercises conducted by the researchers from Fraunhofer Portugal include the use of smartphones, a television and some questionnaires.

During the event, visitors will have the chance to make some tests such as blood pressure

Cholesterol, evaluation of fall risk, hearing test, among others. Ordem dos Nutricionistas, Fundação Portuguesa do Pulmão, Fundação Portuguesa de Cardiologia and Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas are some of the partners involved in this event.

This is the 10th edition of the SCAS.