ICT4D Competence Center Workshop

The Information and Communication Technology for Development Competence Center (ICT4DCC) has been creating different solutions regarding mHealth, mAgriculture, E-Culture and other areas of the quotidian that may help improving the quality of life of the population in under development countries. In order to foster the sharing of the experts’ know-how involved in the ICT4DCC projects, Fraunhofer AICOS held a Workshop on the 25th of June with the goal of tackling the several projects under development.

The group of researchers dedicated the morning to enlighten themselves about some solutions such as IZIDoc, OurMoz, Hydroponic Farming, Malaria Scope, ACP Street Libraries, and Epidemiologic Surveillance. All of these correspond to projects being led by the Competence Center. The Workshop on ICT4DCC accomplished its purpose of know-how and expertise sharing among the team.

The ICT4DCC, a Fraunhofer AICOS’ project, has set up a team of international experts that are dedicated to the field and work with international partners from Mozambique (Centro de Informática, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane), South Africa (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Germany (Fraunhofer FOKUS) and Portugal (Center for Economics and Finance at the University of Porto) dedicating their effort to the development of pre-commercial ICT solutions.