SV4D Workshop at Praia, Cabo Verde



Under the scope of CTFhP – Collective Transfer Fraunhofer Portugal, in coordination with SV4D – Sustainable Villages for Development, a workshop took place today (11 of January 2019), in the city of Praia, Cabo Verde, with the purpose of presenting in detail the project SV4D to the local authorities and citizens. This workshop organized by Fraunhofer AICOS counted with the collaborations of ARCTEL-CPLP (Associação de Reguladores de Comunicações e Telecomunicações da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa) and ARME (Agência Reguladora Multissectorial da Economia – Cabo Verde).


Waldir Júnior (Fraunhofer AICOS) and Filipe Baptista (ARCTEL-CPLP) from de SV4D team, were speakers in today’s workshop, where Sustainable Villages for Development was presented in detail to a vast audience that included the Secretary of State for Innovation and Technical Training, Dr. Pedro Lopes, local authorities and community leaders.

An opportunity to highlight the objectives of the project developed by AICOS, discuss on the different types of services that can benefit by using this communication infrastructure, and specially, how the system enables the local community to be connected to the internet and how this impacts the economy and quality of life of citizens.

Also present at the event were other local entities, from sectors such as, telco regulators, telco operators, education, business, culture and media, evidencing that the work developed by AICOS can effectively cause a direct impact in people’s lives.

As a CTFhP initiative, this SV4D workshop also stands as an example of the capability of AICOS to disseminate, exhibit and transfer scientific knowledge and technologies which resulted from the applied research developed by the centre.


More information:

SV4D Project Description

CTFhP Project Description


Project ‘CTFhP – Collective Transfer Fraunhofer Portugal’, is an initiative co-funded by ‘NORTE 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte’, ‘Portugal 2020’ and the European Union through the ‘FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional’.


Co-funded by: