The microelectronics sector has been facing difficulties in accessing and providing components and systems at the European level, whether due to the impact of geopolitical tensions, resource scarcity, or disruptions in distribution and production chains caused by the pandemic. These circumstances have highlighted the dominance of the Asian market and the need for Europe to have greater autonomy in this influential and foundational sector for digital transition.
The Microelectronics Agenda was conceived with an integrated approach and in close proximity to European initiatives such as IPCEI on Microelectronics and the EU Chips Act, aiming to unlock the potential of the semiconductor industry and bring added value to European society and economy.
The Agenda represents the first step in the national response to the European need to address systemic shortcomings in the sector, through structural investments to strengthen productive capacity, innovation, skills, and the generation of relevant information in the national semiconductor industry.
ATEP - Amkor Technology Portugal, SA, Picadvanced S.A., HFA SA., INESC MN, INOVA-RIA, Universidade de Aveiro, LIN - Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia, PCI Parque de Ciência e Inovação SA., I.S.R - Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research, AIDA CCI - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Distrito de Aveiro, Universidade de Coimbra, TRC - Test and Repair Company, LDA, Exatronic LDA, SNPS Portugal, LDA, Neadvance S.A., F. Iniciativas, Consultadoria E Gestão, LDA
Consult the project's Spec Sheet here:

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