COGNISTIM – Physical and Cognitive Real-time Stimulators Using Inertial Sensors in a Virtual Reality Environment for Elderly People


The aim of this project is to promote active aging in the elderly people, using sensors for extraction of metrics and generate real-time interaction with a virtual reality environment. Developing a virtual reality game, we hope to increase user immersiveness in this environment and take advantage of this feature to explore a more effective solution for physical and cognitive stimulation, as well as providing new experiences and contact with new technologies by the elderly people.

With this system we want to extract metrics for later evaluation of physical and cognitive performance.

This project will go through two phases: research and development of the solution and testing directly with the user.



A prototype using motion sensors to interact with virtual reality game for cognitive stimulation of elderly people.


Author: Pedro Gomes  

Type: MSc thesis

Partner: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade de Coimbra

Year: 2018