EMA – Energy Monitoring Anytime, Anywhere


Targeting households and domestic users that feel the drive to improve their homes’ energy efficiency, EMA enables gathering in back office energy consumption data for individual domestic appliances and provides its user-friendly visualization in a platform-independent manner from any device connected to the Internet. The system was designed for low cost of
physical devices to be installed, ease of installation, use of as much existing infrastructure as possible, interoperability and support of different business models.

The modularity of EMA’s architecture is the key to its great deployment flexibility, as it enables easy extension of any block of the system without requiring modifications to the other parts, which, in turn, enables the straightforward support of different business models. Due to its wireless approach, it can be adaptable to other types of metering other than electricity.


Author: António Rodrigues

Type: MSc thesis

Partner: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Year: 2010