QuadAALper – Adapting Quadcopters to Real-Life AAL Application Scenarios using Smartphones


Quadcopters are interesting pieces of engineering, accessible to the general public since the introduction of RC and smallscale UAV models. Since then, major developments regarding size, stability, autonomy, control, Artificial Intelligence, HW and SW development tools, etc., have been introduced by academia and enthusiasts.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of the application purposes given to these machines still fall into the recreational scope.

Recently, some have tried to exploit more ’useful’ purposes for these machines, e.g. a brain-controlled quadcopter for the disabled, a quadcopter tower-building task force or surveillance tasks.

The goal of this thesis is to study the applicability of quadcopters to AAL scenarios and exploring its further integration with smartphones (or a dedicated system running Android) and taking simple actions based on the recognition of simple image patterns.


Author: Steven Thomas

Type: MSc thesis

Partner: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto

Year: 2013